Ethos Series

Dei Verbum: The Bible in Church and Society (#16)

Dei Verbum: The Bible in Church and Society (#16)

These essays began life as presentations made at a Conference with similar title as this book, Dei V..


Education and Society (#01) - Sold Out (e-copy available)

Education and Society (#01) - Sold Out (e-copy available)

Available only in electronic format at : (410KB) file.What is a C..


From The Desert to The City : Christians in Creation Care (#15)

From The Desert to The City : Christians in Creation Care (#15)

The colours of the wind are changing. The green grassland is brown with desertification. The blue sk..


God and Creation (#17)

God and Creation (#17)

The doctrine of Creation is a central tenet of the Christian faith. The Church confesses - in the wo..


Justice and the Common Good (#12)

Justice and the Common Good (#12)

"Justice" and "common good" are topics that have received much scholarly attention in the past few d..


Marriage And Family (#03) - Sold Out (e-copy available)

Marriage And Family (#03) - Sold Out (e-copy available)

Available in e-book at : (1MB)  Rapid changes in social..


Religion and Politics in Singapore (#18)

Religion and Politics in Singapore (#18)

On 20 March 2021, the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity conducted a seminar on "Religion and P..


The Triune GOD (#19)

The Triune GOD (#19)

In 1989, the British Council of Churches published a collection of essays with an arresting title: T..


Theological Education in Singapore (#14)

Theological Education in Singapore (#14)

On 29 September 2018, seven theological institutions in Singapore came together at a conference orga..


Theology of Mission in the Post-Pandemic Era (#21)

Theology of Mission in the Post-Pandemic Era (#21)

The theme for Ethos Annual Conference which took place on 23 September, 2023, is "Theology of Missio..


Towards a Kind and Gracious Society (#07)

Towards a Kind and Gracious Society (#07)

Every year, thousands of complaints were lodged by neighbours against one another indicating a dimin..


What Is Man ? (#20)

What Is Man ? (#20)

On 24 September 2022, the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity held a conference on the theme "Wh..


Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)