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Census 2020, Religions and Youth :  Parsing the Trends, Pondering the Future

Census 2020, Religions and Youth : Parsing the Trends, Pondering the Future

According to the Singapore Census of Population 2020, released by the Department of Statistics on 1..


Confessions of a Smiling Survivor

Confessions of a Smiling Survivor

Confessions of a Smiling Survivor: A Breathtaking Journey of Defying All Odds is an inspiring book a..


Dei Verbum: The Bible in Church and Society (#16)

Dei Verbum: The Bible in Church and Society (#16)

These essays began life as presentations made at a Conference with similar title as this book, Dei V..


Education and Society (#01) - Sold Out (e-copy available)

Education and Society (#01) - Sold Out (e-copy available)

Available only in electronic format at : (410KB) file.What is a C..


From The Desert to The City : Christians in Creation Care (#15)

From The Desert to The City : Christians in Creation Care (#15)

The colours of the wind are changing. The green grassland is brown with desertification. The blue sk..


Genealogy of Jesus, The

Genealogy of Jesus, The

Why do two of the Gospels in the New Testament record the genealogy of Jesus, and why are they diffe..


God and Creation (#17)

God and Creation (#17)

The doctrine of Creation is a central tenet of the Christian faith. The Church confesses - in the wo..


Justice and the Common Good (#12)

Justice and the Common Good (#12)

"Justice" and "common good" are topics that have received much scholarly attention in the past few d..


Marriage And Family (#03) - Sold Out (e-copy available)

Marriage And Family (#03) - Sold Out (e-copy available)

Available in e-book at : (1MB)  Rapid changes in social..


Religion and Politics in Singapore (#18)

Religion and Politics in Singapore (#18)

On 20 March 2021, the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity conducted a seminar on "Religion and P..


The Story of Me

The Story of Me

The Story of Me – How l Began “Have you ever wondered what you are here for or how you got her..


The Story of Music

The Story of Music

The Story Of Music  - How Worship Began“Have you ever wondered where music came from?Who play..


The Story of Music & Me (Bundle)

The Story of Music & Me (Bundle)

The Story Of Music  - How Worship Began“Have you ever wondered where music came from?Who play..


The Triune GOD (#19)

The Triune GOD (#19)

In 1989, the British Council of Churches published a collection of essays with an arresting title: T..


Theological Education in Singapore (#14)

Theological Education in Singapore (#14)

On 29 September 2018, seven theological institutions in Singapore came together at a conference orga..


Theology of Mission in the Post-Pandemic Era (#21)

Theology of Mission in the Post-Pandemic Era (#21)

The theme for Ethos Annual Conference which took place on 23 September, 2023, is "Theology of Missio..


Towards a Kind and Gracious Society (#07)

Towards a Kind and Gracious Society (#07)

Every year, thousands of complaints were lodged by neighbours against one another indicating a dimin..


What Is Man ? (#20)

What Is Man ? (#20)

On 24 September 2022, the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity held a conference on the theme "Wh..


智慧聆经课程 : 上帝的律法和圣约 [旧约-摩西五书]

智慧聆经课程 : 上帝的律法和圣约 [旧约-摩西五书]

This is the second in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edificatio..


智慧聆经课程 : 判断与拯救 [旧约-先知书]

智慧聆经课程 : 判断与拯救 [旧约-先知书]

This is the fourth in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edificatio..


Showing 1 to 20 of 22 (2 Pages)