
Judgements & Deliverance - Old Testament: Prophets (WISE)

Judgements & Deliverance - Old Testament: Prophets (WISE)

This is the fourth in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edificatio..


Law & Covenant - Old Testament : Pentateuch (WISE)

Law & Covenant - Old Testament : Pentateuch (WISE)

This is the second in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edificatio..


New Beginning in Christ - New Testament (WISE)

New Beginning in Christ - New Testament (WISE)

This is the first in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edification (WIS..


United-Divided Kingdom & Exile - Old Testament: Powers (WISE)

United-Divided Kingdom & Exile - Old Testament: Powers (WISE)

This is the third in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edification..


Worship & Wisdom of Life - Old Testament: Poetry (WISE)

Worship & Wisdom of Life - Old Testament: Poetry (WISE)

This is the last in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edification ..


智慧聆经课程 : 上帝的律法和圣约 [旧约-摩西五书]

智慧聆经课程 : 上帝的律法和圣约 [旧约-摩西五书]

This is the second in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edificatio..


智慧聆经课程 : 判断与拯救 [旧约-先知书]

智慧聆经课程 : 判断与拯救 [旧约-先知书]

This is the fourth in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edificatio..


智慧聆经课程 : 在基督里 - 新的开始 [新约全书]

智慧聆经课程 : 在基督里 - 新的开始 [新约全书]

This is the first in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edification (WIS..


智慧聆经课程 : 王国统一- 分裂与被掳 [旧约-历史卷书]

智慧聆经课程 : 王国统一- 分裂与被掳 [旧约-历史卷书]

This is the third in a series of five booklets to develop Word Intake for Spiritual Edification..


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